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HomeEveryday WordPressHow To Get The Most Out Of Smush Image Optimization

How To Get The Most Out Of Smush Image Optimization

Optimizing your images manually would involve a lot of resizing, a fair bit of coding, and heaps of time. Luckily, Smush does all the hard work for you and plenty more besides, all of which you will find covered in this guide to help you get the most out of the plugin.

For example, while Smush may be best-known for compressing images (without losing quality), it can also help defer your offscreen images with its lazy-load feature, convert your images to next-gen formats (WebP), and serve your images from our super-fast CDN available with Smush Pro.

Luckily, you don’t need to dedicate much time or effort to your images when you have Smush installed. Most features can be activated with one click.

Whether you’re a new user or just hoping to uncover some cool features you might have missed, this guide will help you get the most out of this plugin.

We look at how to:

  1. Smush All Your Images in Bulk
  2. Automatically Compress New Uploads
  3. Super Or Ultra-Smush For Double the Compression
  4. Display Your Full Size Images
  5. Convert Your PNGs to JPEGs
  6. Smush From the Media Library
  7. Optimize Directory Images
  8. Lazy Load Your Images For a Boost of Speed
  9. Utilize Smush’s CDN
  10. Serve the Correct Image Sizes
  11. Convert Your Images to Next-Gen Formats
  12. Save Time With Automatic Smush Configs
  13. Integrate With Popular WordPress Tools

So without further ado, here’s how to get the most out of Smush:

1. Smush All Your Images in Bulk

When you first install Smush, chances are you’ll have a backlog of images that need your attention.

The Bulk Smush feature scans your site for any images that would benefit from being compressed.

Each time you add new images, Smush will add them to this total.

All you have to do is click the button – Smush does all the hard work for you and lets you know when the job is complete.

If you have a lot of images to optimize, you’re also free to leave the plugin completely and come back to it, Smush will continue to compress your images in the background and you’ll be notified once the process is complete.

But rest assured, no matter how many images you have to optimize, thanks to built-in features like parallel image processing, which gives you 8x the normal processing speed, your images are in the best and fastest hands.

Screenshot showing the bulk smush successfully completed.
Much faster than compressing them yourself.

You can exclude certain image sizes from Bulk Smush if required. However, as Smush compresses without sacrificing quality, it may be beneficial to smush them all.

Screenshot of the various image sizes which are available to exclude.
Remove the ticks from the images sizes you want to exclude from being compressed.

One other feature worth noting is that when you click the Re-Check Images button, Smush performs an automatic scan of your Media Library to check if new images have been added since the last bulk smush.

Media Library Scan
Smush automatically scans your media library when you recheck images.

2. Automatically Compress New Uploads

Once you have used the Bulk Smush feature to catch up on your backlog of image compressing, you will seldom need to use it again.

This is because of the handy Automatic Compression feature. If you enable this, Smush will compress images as soon as you upload them to your site.

Smush also has a generous maximum file size limit of 256MB per image, so if you have any gigantic images to be uploaded, they’ll automatically be compressed and optimized for you too.

Screenshot showing the various image sizes that you can include when bulk smushing if you didn't want to select 'all'.
The days of routine image pruning can easily be a thing of your past.

3. Super Or Ultra-Smush For More Compression

If your main focus is on your site’s speed, you may want to take image compression a step further.

Super-Smush offers twice the compression of regular smushing by stripping out every bit of unneeded data, without reducing the quality of your images.

A screen showing the different Smush modes.
Take your image compression power to the next level.

Or, if you want to really amp up your compression powers, try the Ultra-Smush option for an impressive 5x compression on top of the already amazing Super-Smush. Ultra is only available with Smush Pro, but completely worth the upgrade if having the fastest possible sites is a priority for you.

New Ultra Smush delivers 5x greater image compression than Super Smush!Check it out here

If you don’t want to take it as far as Super or Ultra-Smush, you can instead strip the unnecessary metadata from your images, leaving only what is needed for SEO purposes. Photos often store camera settings in the file such as focal length, date, time and location – removing this will reduce your file size.

If you’re a photographer, you might want to keep this information, but it serves little purpose on most sites so is generally safe to remove.

4. Display Your Full Size Images

If you upload an image that is larger than 2560px in either width or height, WordPress will automatically scale it down to generate a ‘web-optimized’ maximum image size.

If you are purposefully adding larger images and want to override this, you can use the image resizing option.

Screenshot of the resize my full size images button
You can set your own new maximum image size.

Bear in mind that your theme may also have its own maximum image size – you will need to check this before enabling this feature.

Want to disable automatic resizing of images altogether? You can enable Disable scaled images. This means scaled versions of images will not be generated, and only your original uploaded images will be kept.

If you are uploading full-sized images, you can also choose whether or not these will be included in Bulk Smush.

Screenshot of the settings for smushing original images.
Another couple of simple one-click features.

Make sure you enable the Backup original images selection if you want to store a copy of all your full-size images, in case you ever wanted to return them to their pre-smushed forms.

Learn more about how WordPress handles images by checking out this blog post.

5. Convert Your PNGs to JPEGs

There are some circumstances where one of these two file types is more suitable than the other. However, if your main concerns for your site are memory usage and speed, then using JPEGs instead of PNGs should be beneficial.

If you upload your images as PNGs, Smush can check to see whether converting them to JPEGs will reduce the file size.

Screenshot of the png to jpeg button
The files will remain as PNGs if there is no reduction in the file size.

You can, of course, make the same conversion outside of WordPress. However, using Smush removes the hassle and converts all your files in one swoop.

If you would prefer to select individual images for compression, look no further than your own media library.

Here, you will find a new column labelled ‘Smush’.

Screenshot of the column which appears in the media library upon activation of smush.
You can compress your images one-by-one.

If you have auto-compression turned off, any photos which you upload should be ready to smush from within your media library.

You can smush your images individually, or alternatively single out images to be ignored from bulk smushing.

7. Optimize Directory Images

While your uploads folder is typically the main folder where images are found, they may also reside elsewhere in your directory.

For example, plugins that create their own image copies may store those images in the plugins folder.

In cases like this, the Directory Smush feature helps you easily identify and compress images stored outside the uploads folder.

A screen showing the directory Smush feature
Find and optimize images stored outside of the typical uploads folder.

Simply choose which directories and subdirectories you want to scan, and Smush will optimize and compress all of the images in bulk, it’s that easy.