Friday, February 28, 2025
HomeEveryday WordPressHow to Speed Up Slider Revolution in WordPress

How to Speed Up Slider Revolution in WordPress

Dynamic content naturally comes with a performance downside. In this article learn how to optimize Slider Revolution to create both beautiful and efficient animations.

Pro level visuals that look amazing and are fully responsive, can often put a damper on page speeds.

But no fear, you’ll soon see how easy it is to have the best of both worlds (the sizzle, without the slowdown) with the help of built-in Slider Revolution settings, plus our Smush, Hummingbird, and hosting tools.

Skip ahead.

Feel free to skip ahead to any of the topics we’ll be covering:

Slider Revolution, Dragster or Drag?

Is Slider Revolution the world’s most popular WordPress site builder?

ThemePunch’s Slider Revolution for WordPress comes with over 200 templates, 2000 elements, and 25 plus add-ons.

It’s also competitively priced, and they offer Lifetime access for a one-time fee.

That’s a lot of possibility in a package. But we’ve been burned before by heavyweight hitters stalling out page speeds.

But no need to worry, we’ve worked out a solution.

With our tried and true method, you’ll be back to blazing speeds faster than the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel Run. 😁

Our Performance Testing Guidelines

For our test to have merit, it’s essential we set up a set of ground rules and guidelines. They are as follows:




The Pro versions of Smush & Hummingbird will be installed on sites hosted by WPMU DEV.

To mirror non-pro versions of the plugins, my initial tests were conducted with the Pro features disabled*.

Hummingbird optimization uses different types of caching and compression features on sites. Page, Gravatar, and RSS caching were disabled.

WPMU DEV turns on browser caching and GZip compression by default; this is standard for most hosts. These will remain on during our tests, since we can’t turn them off without impacting other settings.

As we’ve mentioned in other articles of our optimization series, please note that because of the variances inherent to each element, no one will have identical results.

Geographical locale, media library size, hosting provider – all paint part of the picture using very different brushstrokes.

No matter your particular site environment, you are bound to see marked improvement with this process.

We are going for beauty and brawn, so Slider Revolution will not only be visually stunning, but a highly functional and fast flying site.

[Editor’s note: The tests below were done with earlier versions of Smush and Hummingbird. Our plugins have been redesigned to allow for white labeling and reselling].

How To Sizzle, Without The Slowdown

First up, let’s install Slider Revolution on a fresh WP site, with no other pages, posts, etc.

After installing, select a New Module from Template, from the SR dashboard. I chose “Mini Website”, which required the addition of the Particles Effect add-on.

I tweaked some settings, to personalize the content a bit. There’s so much you can play with here, I could’ve gotten lost for hours.

But on to the task at hand! A quick copy & paste with shortcode, and my landing page is revolutionized. 🙂

How YOU doin?

Time for our initial speed tests.

GPSI Speed 67
Nothing to brag about, but that’s only our base line speed.
GTX C-66-93
On the mid to low end, but this is pre-optimization; we’ll bring that way up.

There is currently a file size optimizer feature baked into Slider Revolution. We’ll try that and see if it gives us a bump.

SR File Size Optimizer
Core JS and CSS are already optimized by default.

The file optimization screen lists the module’s images that can be optimized, along with a slider to make adjustments. (See SR File Size Optimizer Documentation.)

SR File Optimizer Collage
SR’s built in file size optimization offers three methods of activation.

After making some adjustments, let’s do a speed test to check for improvements.

GPSI Score 67
No change from our last speed test score.
GTX C-67-95
A hair better than our last score.

There are some overall tips and tweaks you can gain strides with, which we’ll cover a little later.

But to really enhance your site speed using Slider Revolution, you’re best served by top quality hosting, and plugins specifically designed for optimizing.

By incorporating Smush and Hummingbird, our world-class (and free!) optimization plugins, you’ll have pagespeeds humming in no time.

Let’s install and activate Smush.

Smush image optimisation and compression plugin for WordPress.
Smush is the most popular image optimisation and compression plugin for WordPress.

Upon navigating to the Smush dashboard, you should be greeted with the quick setup wizard. These settings include: Auto Compression, EXIF Metadata, Full Size Images, Lazy Load, and Usage Data.

Here’s what each feature does:

  • Auto Compression ― automatically optimizes new image uploads, so you don’t have to do each one manually.
  • EXIF Metadata ― strips camera settings from your images, helping reduce file size. (Don’t worry; it won’t strip SEO metadata).
  • Full Size Images ― compresses your original full size images. (Note: it stores copies of your originals by default, in case you ever want to revert back. This feature is Pro only.)
  • Lazy Load ― stops offscreen images from loading until a visitor scrolls to them.
  • Usage Data ― lets our designers gain insight into what features need improvement. (Your personal data will never be tracked.)

Go ahead and run through each screen, leaving default settings on. (Allowing Usage Data will help towards the functionality of future versions of the plugin, but if you have any qualms about opting in, leave it off.)

Smush pre bulk-smush
Smush is ready, willing, and able to bulk compress.

Once the wizard completes, the dashboard will reflect how many images could use compressing. Click the Bulk Smush Now button to activate her super power.

What do our image optimization stats look like now, Ms. Smush?

Smush post bulk smush
157 images smushed, saving 5.5 mb. Smushing like a champ!

Let’s see how much that lightened the (page) load, and do our speed tests again.

GPSI Score 79
That’s an olympic jump! More than ten points.
GTX B-80-96
This is the kind of “B”oost you love to see.

Time to kick things into high gear, and let Hummingbird flit on the scene.